Grenoble Alpes’ “Health Innovation” cluster, renowned for its expertise in health technologies, is growing 11,900 jobs
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A look back to our third bootcamp dedicated to turkish entrepreneurs
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The Finnish company IQM Quantum Computers chose Grenoble Alpes to install its pilot line within CEA-Leti
SUBLIMED, a CEA spin-off, develops drug-free neurostimulation devices for the relief of chronic pain at CEA, develops drug-free neurostimulation devices for the relief of chronic pain
KOELIS, based on research carried out at the TIMC laboratory of Grenoble Alpes University and CNRS,
Anatoscope, a spin-off from INRIA, develops software to reconstruct and simulate the patient’s body in 3D from medical images, with biomechanical characteristics identical to those of the patient.
By Invest-grenoble Non classé Startup
In 2023, more than 30 Grenoble Alpes’ startups raised funds worth a cumulative 1.12 billion euros.