IQM Quantum Computers
chose Grenoble Alpes

IQM Quantum Computers chose Grenoble Alpes to install its pilot line within CEA-Leti

The Finnish company IQM Quantum Computers chose Grenoble Alpes to install its pilot line within CEA-Leti. A first step before building an industrial-grade fabrication facility .

Dr. Jan Goetz, Co-CEO and Co-founder at IQM, emphasized “ We see a lot of potential in France actually, especially in the Grenoble ecosytem where we are planning to build our new factory. There’s lots of good research talent pools, but then of course very strong companies there, and this made us plan to build the fab in Grenoble.”

IQM has established itself as a European leader in quantum computing, leveraging talents from 45 nationalities and opening offices in five top European quantum countries, the US and APAC.
In France, IQM has worked closely with industry players and customers in the aviation, space, and cybersecurity verticals using a unique approach that enables users to experience the best quality and accuracy of quantum processors.

The arrival of IQM at the Grenoble scientific polygon is excellent news for the GrenobleAlpes ecosystem.

  Interview with the CEO 🎥
  Press release