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- Choose Grenoble Alpes France for your startup – Biotech
- Choose Grenoble Alpes France for your startup – Micro-nano
- Choose Grenoble Alpes France for your startup – Micro-nano US
- Grenoble Alpes International Bootcamp
- Skinnovation – Discover Grenoble Alpes France ecosystem for your startup
Posts by category
- Category: Company
- Testimonials: How Have Companies in Grenoble Alpes Integrated Artificial Intelligence into Their Technological Processes?
- Interview with Antoine De DECKER, Director of INCEPTIVE
- Interview with Dominique MERCIER, CEO of Kheoos
- Interview with Christophe BLONDIAUX, President and co-founder of IC Green
- 3 testimonials from Grenoble-Alpes healthcare technology companies
- IQM Quantum Computers chose Grenoble Alpes to install its pilot line
- Grenoble-based Ecential Robotics raises € 100m to become a leader in surgical robotics
- Aledia continues to grow in Grenoble Alpes
- Category: Event
- Category: Industry
- Interview with Nicolas Karst, president and co-founder of Sublimed
- Interview with Antoine Leroy president and founder of Koelis
- Interview with François Faure, President and co-founder of Anatoscope
- The international journal Nature explains how Grenoble has mastered industry–academia science collaborations
- STMicroelectronics and GlobalFoundries strengthen FD-SOI community by jointly investing in a new 300mm semiconductor manufacturing facility
- Soitec launched the construction of a new fabrication facility at its headquarters in Bernin
- Discover Grenoble Alpes: a place to thrive, in and out of work!
- Category: Invest in Grenoble Alpes
- Grenoble Alpes Bootcamp – February 4 to 6, 2025
- Grenoble Alpes Bootcamp – 29-31 may 2024
- Grenoble Alpes International Bootcamp – 27-29 november 2023
- Bootcamp for international startups – November 26-29, 2023
- Bootcamp skinnovation for international startups
- Fundraising: GrenobleAlpes’ innovative startups and SMEs sail past the 2 billion euro mark
- The truth about setting up a business in Grenoble Alpes
- FAISE International Program: Day One of the Masterclasses – Prep for Soft Landing in Grenoble for Taiwan and Canadian Startups
- Grenoble Alpes: answering the covid-19 challenge
- The French Alpes International Softlanding Exchange project (FAISE) launched in Taiwan
- COVID-19 crisis – Invest in Grenoble Alpes reacted swiftly and firmly
- Category: Non classé
- Category: Partnership
- Category: Research
- Category: Startup
- Category: University