Grenoble Alpes’ “Health Innovation” cluster, renowned for its expertise in health technologies, is growing 11,900 jobs
SUBLIMED, a CEA spin-off, develops drug-free neurostimulation devices for the relief of chronic pain at CEA, develops drug-free neurostimulation devices for the relief of chronic pain
KOELIS, based on research carried out at the TIMC laboratory of Grenoble Alpes University and CNRS,
Anatoscope, a spin-off from INRIA, develops software to reconstruct and simulate the patient’s body in 3D from medical images, with biomechanical characteristics identical to those of the patient.
MedFit 2021 event in Digital before going physical again in 2022 in Grenoble…
Grenoble Alpes is proud to call itself home to eCential Robotics, formerly Surgivisio